This story takes place in the Star Wars universe shortly after the establishment of a tenuous peace between the re-emergent Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. The game features eight different classes. Each of the eight classes has a three act story-line that progresses as the character levels up.
Players join either the Republic or the Sith, but players may possess a morality at any point along the light/dark spectrum. Different classes favor different styles of game-play, and the game features extensive customization options, fully voiced dialogue, companion characters, and dialogue options similar to BioWare’s other role-playing games.
Also shown below are several of my other noteworthy Toons. Many I am still in the process of leveling.
I lead the Angels of War Guild; which, like my World of Warcraft Guild is not really open for recruitment; although, I will allow those who want to be a part of it too join.The Guild currently holds a Guild Flagship that is very nearly completely unlocked. I unlocked the Dreadnaught called Angel’s Vengeance all on my own, with no help from any other play simply to see if it could be done. I have but one area left to unlock.
I play only on the Satele Shan server, usually on weekend. You can hit me up anytime to join the Guild or party up to run instances.